真耶稣教会因为不能理解【五旬节说方言的恩赐】是为不信的人作证据,这应验主耶稣在马太福音说的比喻,(马太13:19 凡听见天国道里不明白的,那恶者就来,把所撒在他心里的夺去了。这就是撒在路旁的了)。所以将近百年了,我们看不到真耶稣教会有一百倍的,六十倍的,三十倍的,原因不就是在教会错误的理解吗?教会的长执敢面对主耶稣基督说我们认识基督吗?
请击点:教会对【圣灵的浸事件】偏向断章取义的理解(一) English Version!
Dear ICH,
May the Spirit of God comfort your sorrow! May the peace from God be with you always!
Twenty some years ago, God had moved me to seek the truths. God is compassionate and merciful. At that time God gave me the gift of speaking with unknown tongues. The unknown tongue was a sign for an unbeliever like me. Immediately I realized that Lord Jesus’ promises to be with His believers and to be in them were true. It was just like what Apostle Paul had said in (1 Cor 14:22 Therefore tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers). Before the full day of the Pentecost, the apostles did believe Jesus but they were of little faith and they had unbelief. At the Pentecost, each of them was given the gift of speaking with unknown tongues. The tongues had also become signs for the little faith and the unbelievers. Immediately, all the apostles believed Jesus and realized that the promises of [to be with them forever] and [to be in them] had come true. (MATT 28; JOHN 14)
Even though I did not hear those words from ELDER LIN, but seeing that those jealous believers who were in our church ahead of me were being cold-storage because they did not have the gift of speaking with unknown tongues, perturbed my heart. I had the feeling that the most valuable understanding of our church contained a sense of indescribable injustice and evilness. Due to my lack of Bible knowledge, I could only feel like you had felt that logically there must be something wrong. However, in our church, one is not able to reason with members with logical thinking. Church members only believed in Scripture-Interpret-Scripture. Therefore it had forced me to refer to Bible, trying to understand what the Bible words really telling us about the gift of speaking with unknown tongues.
I had invested about 5-6 years time searching for the truth. With reference to bible verses/passages and its context, I had composed a book “The secret hidden in the book of John for over two thousand years: The Holy Spirit Baptism”. Then I found out that even though I had been told we believed in Scripture-Interpret-Scripture, yet most of the members do not really practice such belief. When I gradually publish my finding in the forum, few people could believe what Lord Jesus had told us in the book of John chapter 14. I think, even up to today, we are impressed by the spiritual gift and revelation received by YM. And that he had the courage to preach according to Bible Truths. Yet even YM can only comprehend the revelation of 1 COR 3:16, proclaiming that besides [being filled with speaking with unknown tongues], there is another different kind of filled - [being filled by the Holy Spirit]. YM still could not admit the truth in (John 6:56 that Lord Jesus lived inside us after the Holy Communion) and the prediction in the book of (John 14 had been fulfilled at the full day of Pentecost) and the truth stated in (1 COR 14:22). YM was not bold enough to correct or topple the wrong understanding of the church. Therefore our sorrow will be with us for a long time!
Ironically, True Jesus Church could not comprehend [the gift of speaking with unknown tongues at the full day of Pentecost] was sign for the unbelievers; TJC had fallen into the situation as described by Lord Jesus’ parable in Matthew chapter 13. (Matt 13:1 19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside). Therefore approaching the 100 years anniversary, we do not see TJC bearing fruit hundredfold, or sixty or thirty. Don’t you think the possible reason is because TJC failed to understand Lord Jesus’ words? Can our elders of the church dare to proclaim to Jesus that TJC know who Jesus is when standing face-to-face with our Lord?
Like you have mentioned, it also painfully breaks my heart when we are being told True Jesus Church is the only church that can save you during this later-rain-time, TJC is a true church, and TJC is the pillar of truths. And yet we see with our own eyes that church is dividing the members of the church who had been redeemed with Christ’s blood. It is in opposition to the calling of Christ in John 17:11 that we may be ONE. What God wants to gather into one we should not divide, isn’t it? Comparatively, what the church had preached and what the church had practice are opposite to each other. We are in violation of Christ commandments. Can we still ignorantly proclaim we are the only true church? We are the pillar of truths?
I would not know whether God is going to claim back this church as His church? I also would not know whether God is going to straighten His Truths in this church? I can only tell you in my own conscience that a church who does not uphold Christ’s commandments does not deserve to be proclaimed that it belongs to Christ anymore! A church who acts against Christ’s commandments has sinned. A church who has sinned against Christ without the urge for repentance belongs to Satan, the enemy of Christ.
But if you are not following what the church has told you blindly and jump down the cliff with the church, then you still can receive your salvation because of your belief in Christ. It is the belief in Christ that brings you the salvation. It is not the church who saves you. That is what you should have faith and believed.
Do hold on with your faith in God!
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