
敵基督者的警告 在約翰壹書第二章,使徒約翰警告說: “ 2:18 小子們哪、如今是末時了.你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了.從此我們就知道如今是末時了。 2:19 他們從我們中間出去、卻不是屬我們的.若是屬我們的、就必仍舊與我們同在.他們出...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

请勇敢的去面对教会的真正问题!Please bravely and squarely facing the real problem of our church!



但不是我在泼你冷水,我猜想你应该非常了解这些人有什么样的信神的心,他们已经研究过圣经有多少遍了吧!他们不都是站在台上睁着眼睛面不改容的回答信徒说:哥林多前书是使徒保罗在解释【『说方言』同时需要有翻方言的『方言』】,而不是在说【我们教会所领悟的『说方言 -- 听不懂的方言』的『方言』】。容我直言,你的美好的建议,在这些【搞反原意,曲解真相,扭曲事实】信神的人的面前是不管用的,不是吗?







Click LinkA Secret Hidden in the Book of John Chapter 14 for Over Two Thousand Years: The Purpose of the Holy Spirit Baptism

Dear Sister Lin,

Will be clearer if he reads chapter 12, 13 and 14 all together, right?

I am not trying to discourage you. But I am guessing that you should clearly understand that what kind of faith these people have? How many times they might have studied the Bible! Don’t you think they have stood at the pulpit without blinking their eyes and replied to believers that in 1 COR, Apostle Paul was explaining a different kind of speaking in tongue? Paul was talking about [the type of unknown-tongues that have to be translated into known-tongues]. Paul was not talking about the same speaking with unknown tongues that our church had been revealed. Allow me to talk straight. Your nice suggestion will not work in them because they are the type of people who practice [distorting original objective, twisting the actual-fact, and perverting the truth]. Aren’t they?

What the original objective of Apostle Paul’s writing in the book of 1 COR is? Isn’t it that Paul was trying to correct Corinthians members’ misunderstanding about speaking with unknown tongues?

The Corinthians’ members thought that [having the gift of speaking with unknown tongues had made them into prophets], they were uttering prophecies from God. Hence those people would stand up right in the middle of a meeting uttering unknown words which had disturbed and interrupted the proper order of a meeting. Paul explained to them that if God had enabled them to be His Prophets, then, the prophecy they delivered should be understandable by the congregations so that they could abide with the message. However, they were speaking unknown tongues that no one could understand which not a prophecy from God was. But through such unknown-tongues they were communicating with God. Therefore such communication was more appropriate to be conducted in own private room and not in the meeting place. (1 COR 14) But God is omnipotence. Hypothetically, it could be possible if God would like to deliver His message through the speaking of unknown tongues. In such case, the unknown tongues had to be translated into known-language that people could understand. Only then, people could know and obey God’s commands. Isn’t it? However, this hypothesis cannot be established as there is no example set in the Bible that there was a need for God to deliver His messages with this method.

Therefore Paul encouraged Corinthians members not to ask just for the spiritual gift which was only beneficial to own self but to ask for the spiritual gift which was beneficial to all others. All the various spiritual gifts were being given by the one Spirit of God who had dwelled inside us. Any manifestation of the gifts is good enough to prove that we have the Spirit of God dwelling in us and that we can be filled with the Spirit of God in more than one way. This is the reason why our church avoids seeing the true objective of the book. If the church agrees with Paul, than, church has to admit that our proud understanding of speaking-with-unknown-tongues is incomplete and we have to preach differently. Technically the new way of preaching is the correct way. Why doesn’t the church want to preach according to Bible truths? Is church’s selfish desire and pride more important that we forgo preaching the complete-truths?

An ordinary member like me can gradually understand the objective of Paul’s book. Don’t you think our church’s preachers who have studied Bible daily; amongst them are some with doctorate degree and having the knowledge of Greek-language, that they can comprehend the original objective too? May be it is possible? May be not! Of the many possible reasons that they cannot comprehend Paul’s objective which we believers are not brave-enough and avoiding to state it, is that, (1) it can be because they are drawing salary from the church and they are not brave-enough to preach according to Bible words. (2) It can be because our church is not focusing in teaching us to follow what Lord Jesus had commanded His disciples to obey. But our church is focusing in preaching the church’s doctrines which the church thinks are truer than those truths entrusted by Christ.

Let me say this, if we believers do not have the courage to face squarely with the problems we have encountered, and honestly seeking out the root-cause, then, what good is it that even if God gives us another 100 years? Don’t you see that the root-cause of our problem is in the deviation of some of church’s doctrines from the truths given by God? Will it not that we will continue to face the same unsolved problem? Will there just be more ignorant believers who are unaware about the truths whom are going to be led over the cliff? Isn’t it?

The above explanation can be found in my book. I have not put in effort to advertise it and so far very few people have purchased it. Who knows, one day all will be contributed towards the freelancer preacher fund?

Click LinkA Secret Hidden in the Book of John Chapter 14 for Over Two Thousand Years: The Purpose of the Holy Spirit Baptism

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