
敵基督者的警告 在約翰壹書第二章,使徒約翰警告說: “ 2:18 小子們哪、如今是末時了.你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了.從此我們就知道如今是末時了。 2:19 他們從我們中間出去、卻不是屬我們的.若是屬我們的、就必仍舊與我們同在.他們出...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

哀哭祷告吧!Cry aloud and pray!


Cry aloud and pray!
Yes Brother Dust:

Hannah prayed in her tears and prayed with her words on her lips silently, and God listened!

King David pretended madness when he was being pursued; calling upon God in his prayer, exalting the name of God in his prayer, and God listened!

Jeremiah, the prophet with tears prayed, and God listened!

My heart might have died with the pain but this was just my emotional feeling! Especially deep into the hour of the silent night, the ideas of our concepts swirling in my mind, then a question came into my sight. Even if God has helped to settle the disputes, even if God allows us to have a more transparent church organization, to have co-workers who obey God’s Truths more than before, is this the way God wants us to walk in? (ISA 30:21) When we are walking on the way, in our heart, are we only serving [one and only one God and Lord Jesus Christ], and not serving the idols? (JER 2:5) Then with the new understanding of the word “ECCLESIA” (Please refer to: Lord Jesus did not mean to tell us to build a church organization), I was overwhelmed by the unknown sorrow when I was thinking concerning God’s Truths, the calling of Lord Jesus Christ, weren’t that you and I are the people who had been misled by [wrongful Bible translation] and [the brain washing from the preachers] and not aware that we are serving the [IDOLS] in disguised! Therefore it comes to my mind again that it is a long journey to straighten God’s Truth!

You and I know that the Israelites’ ancestors who [had distance themselves from God] and [who had rejected God]. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve would like to be like God, disobeying God’s commandments Please refer to属灵战争的第一战:蛇与夏娃之战; in the land of Shinar, the Israelites would want to make a name only for themselves and they even had the intention to bypass God Please refer to属灵战争的第二战:建造巴别塔(人想要绕过神); in the land of Ramah, the Israelites rejected God to be their King (1 SAM 8) To be written: The third battle of the spiritual warfare: Israelites rejected God. From then onwards, majority of the people had rejected God even until today. They were serving IDOLS; besides God, any other thing that people serve is idol.

You may ask, is it really that no one has come forward calling them to return again and to only serve God as their King wholeheartedly? In fact, none of the people who breathed came out or brave enough to make the calling! Until the time when Lord Jesus made the calling in the book of Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My ECCLESIA, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.  NKJV

Irrespective of whether you have such knowledge or not, man’s language changed over time. If you care to trace the etymological meaning of the origin of the word, then you may be able to find out that the origin of the Greek word “ECCLESIA” is as follow: [ECC = out; KALEO = call]. It means that “it is an assembly being called into place” (Britannica Encyclopedia defined in similar manner). Referring to (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecclesia) Ecclesia means the principal assembly of ancient Athens during its Golden Age. (Please refer to: Lord Jesus did not mean to tell us to build a church organization)

Therefore we can see that in the book of Matthew 16:18, Lord Jesus did not mean to call his disciples to build a church or a church organization. As such, building a church organization has helped to establish a supreme council who has the authority controlling all the believers. This organization has inadvertently become the [idol] for all. Therefore, Lord Jesus might have intended to call out those who had been controlled by the Roman King to gather and assemble upon this rock, so that the believers would serve Christ as their King [with God as their King].

Revisiting past history, we can see that Roman Emperor Constantine had single handedly destroyed Christ’s calling. Constantine had organized the [assembly] into a church organization basing on the same Roman Empire structure with Papa Pope as the King of all Christians. Similarly, the church organization structure which you and I have seen has become our King. The church organization continues to reject God’s Truths and they would only exalt the truths established by man. Irrespective whether it is the Catholic Pope, or our supreme church organization, it is similar to the [idol] mentioned in the book of Jeremiah chapter two.

Therefore our understanding of the truth had been kidnapped by the wrong Bible translation. In addition, historically all churches had brainwashed the believers that church was the one who saved you like the God. Unwittingly, our gut-feeling tells us that [church] is [God]. Therefore if you do not go to church means you have rejected God. Is it true that God only appears in church? Isn’t it that the omnipresent God filled all in all and He is also in your heart? Don’t we worship God in spirit and truth? For those preserved God as their King, no matter where you were, whether you were enjoying your life, or whether you were suffering and afflicting with transgressions, the omnipresent God were with you always. Isn’t it? God is not the King who controls you. God is the King who assists you. In the name of God, all are equal and free, isn’t it?

Brother Dust, irrespective whether we cry aloud in our prayer or withholding back our sorrow and tear and pray, I will not insist which kind of prayer is better than the other. However, just as Brother Dust had mentioned before, what count is that in our prayer whether we insist that we only serve one true God and Lord Jesus Christ as our King. We should willingly obey and follow the direction given by the Spirit of God. We should not make the [Pop] or the one who has masqueraded into another form like [church organization] as our King, or as our God and subdue to them and that we could only call-upon them like God. And without their approval, we are not allowed to follow the direction from the Spirit of God!

I hope that we can break the organization myth. If God is willing, maybe we can return to the system before [the period of Israelite Kingdom], or moving further up to the system before the building of the tower of Babel, or move even further up to the time before [the first battle of the spiritual warfare: the battle between the snake and Eve], where human had not sinned against God, earning back the precious status as the sons of God reconciling with God!

Truthfully, let us pray in one accord in the name of Lord Jesus Christ!







你我都知道,以色列人的哪一个列祖列宗【远离神】【离弃神】。在伊甸园,亚当夏娃要与神一样,不遵守神的命令 (请参考:属灵战争的第一战:蛇与夏娃之战);在示拿地,以色列人只要传扬自己的名声,更想要绕过神;(请参考:属灵战争的第二战:建造巴别塔(人想要绕过神))在拉玛地,以色列人厌弃神离弃不要神作他们的王(撒母耳记8(还没有完成的一篇,属灵战争的第三战:以色列人离弃神厌弃神)


难道没有一个人出现,出来呼召众人回过头来,重新遵神为王,全心全意事奉神吗?没有一个属血气的人能明白或有胆量出来呼召!直到主耶稣到来亲自呼召:马太16:18 我还告诉你,你是彼得,我要把我的ecclesia建造在这磐石上,阴间的权柄,不能胜过他。(权柄原文作门

文字随着时间朝代渐渐改变,所以我们如果追查原文的意义,希腊文“Ecclesia”原本的定义是:“被呼召出来(者)” [ECC = 出来out; KALEO = 呼召call]。可以说其定义是“被呼召出来聚集在一起的(集会,议会)”(大英百科全书也是这样说)。希腊文“Ecclesia”的定义(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecclesia),是古代雅典黄金时期雅典人民的主要集会。(请参考:主耶稣並没有叫我们建立教会组织






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