读了Veritas同灵写的短信“YM被停职的原因之一”,我不得不为我们这一班信耶稣基督的信徒,竟然这么轻易地听信人的教训,而忘记了为我们的罪钉死在十字架上替我们赎罪的主耶稣基督,无奈地长叹一声!我们不是因为信耶稣基督才得到永生的吗?教会不只是一个传递信息的使者而已吗?我们不去信【主耶稣基督和祂的真理】而去信【一个传递信息的使者所传说的人的传统】他能赐给我们永生吗?如果【信教会 - 一个传递信息的使者】能得到永生的话,那么我们不就可以模仿哥林多教会的圣徒说“我们是属保罗的”,或“我们是属彼得的”,或“我们是属亚波罗的”而可以放弃“我们是属耶稣基督的身份地位”了,不是吗?醒醒吧!请你仔细用心去分析思考使徒保罗教导哥林多圣徒【属亚波罗】和【属耶稣基督】的逻辑关系,你或许可以看出【属教会】和【属耶稣基督】之间同样的逻辑关系,就可以轻易明白保罗的教导了。
你可以看到当使徒保罗传讲同样的信息遭遇到的事情:使徒行传17:6 找不着他们,就把耶孙和几个弟兄,拉到地方官那里,喊叫说,那搅乱天下的,也到这里来了。 17:7 耶孙收留他们。这些人都违背该撒的命令,说另有一个王耶稣。 17:8 众人和地方官,听见这话,就惊慌了。 17:9 于是取了耶孙和其馀之人的保状,就释放了他们。
保罗和巴拿巴是做了什么事情,竟然能搅乱天下?是因为保罗叫人去建基督教堂吗?是保罗向人收集钱财吗?都不是!是在17:7节说的,因为保罗向人传讲“另有一个王 --- 耶稣”,使到保罗遭受到迫害,因为保罗传讲的信息令凯撒大帝非常不安。
你能看出杨传道被迫害的原因在那里了吗?这不也是因为杨传道在宣告说,救我们的是【万王之王, 耶稣】而不是【属世君王,教会】。我们之所以得救是因为我们遵守【万王之王, 耶稣】的真理,我们得救不是因为我们遵守【属世君王,教会】立下的人的条文规矩。这使到凯撒大帝不安的信息,也同样的使到【属世君王,教会】和教会的最高组织非常不安!因为如果我们相信这信息,决定选择【万王之王, 耶稣】为我们的王,这样的话教会的最高组织就不再有能力来统治我们。如果我们眼睛突然【明亮】了,看到了【万王之王, 耶稣】才是我们永恒的君王,那我们就不再【盲目】的遵从和遵奉教会最高组织定下的条文规矩了。
醒醒吧!我亲爱的同灵们!点起你真理的火炬,让真理的光再次的照亮你周围的同灵们,使他们的眼睛明亮,能够再看到主耶稣的真理!请告诉他们,我们要服侍的是【万王之王, 耶稣】,不是去盲目的服侍【属世君王,教会】!只有属于【万王之王, 耶稣】的人可以得到永生!属于【属世君王,教会】组织的人只能得到【灭亡】的结局!阿门!
Belong to Lord Jesus Christ have eternal life! Belong to church will not have eternal life!
In the name of Lord Jesus I write!
Reading the short article posted by Veritas, “One of the reasons why YM has been suspended”, I have to sigh that we the believers of Christ are so gullible to men’s teaching so much so that we the believers of Christ have forgotten that it is Lord Jesus Christ who sacrificed for us for our redemption of sin. It is believed in Lord Jesus Christ that gives us the eternal life. It is not (believe) the church, who is acting as a messenger preaching such message that will be able to save us! If church as the messenger can save us, then we should have followed the Corinthians example by saying that “we belong to Paul”, or “we belong to Peter”, or “we belong to Apollo” instead of saying “we belong to Christ”. Wake up! Compare [church] and [Apollo] with the logic Apostle Paul had tried to teach the Corinth, and you should be able to see what Paul meant in his teaching.
That is also the reason I believe what I have shown you in the article “Lord Jesus did not mean to tell us to build a church organization” is true. Lord Jesus had made a call to us to assemble on the rock; to become independent and to break away from the rule of men (the Roman Emperor) and only to be ruled by God (the only true King). This message had endangered the position and power of the Roman Emperor Caesar as a king. That was the reason the one who preached such message was being persecuted, crucified and martyred.
You can see what had happened to Apostle Paul when he tried to preach the same message in the book of Acts chapter 17. Acts 17:6-9 But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out; “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. 7 Jason has harbored them, and these are all acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king — Jesus." 8 And they troubled the crowd and the rulers of the city when they heard these things. NKJV
What did Paul and Barnabas did which turned the world upside down? Was it because Paul asked them to build a church building? Was it because Paul had collected money from the believers? None of the above! It was stated in verse 7. It was the message that Paul preached that “there is another King - Jesus” that got him into the big trouble because such message had troubled King Caesar.
Can you see the reason why YM was in trouble in Veritas’ article? It was because YM had declared that it is King Jesus who saves us but not the church-king. It is obeying the truths given by King Jesus that saves us but not church’s rules and regulations. Such message which had trouble king Caesar has trouble the church-king, the supreme organization. If we decide to choose King Jesus as our king, the church organization will not be able to rule over us. If our eyes become clear and see King Jesus as our king, then we cannot blindly obey and conform to the rules set by the church supreme organization.
So wake up, my dear brethren and sisters of Christ! Kindle your torch of Truths and shine the light onto your fellow Christians so they could have the clear eyes to see the Truths again! Tell them we should serve King Jesus and not to serve king-church-organization! Whoever belongs to King Jesus has eternal life! Whoever belongs to king-church-organization will be doomed for destruction! Amen!
Oh Lord! May all the praise and glory be unto your Holy Name! Amen!
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