3/25/2012 published 著
3/30/2012 revised 修正
主耶稣並没有叫我们建立教会组织Lord Jesus did not mean to tell us to build a church organization
我没有发表对【教会组织】不满的意见原因是主耶稣在马太福音说的一句话:【马太福音16:18 我还告诉你,你是彼得,我要把我的教会建造在这磐石上,阴间的权柄,不能胜过他。(权柄原文作门)】如果教会是主耶稣所要建立的,即使因为人为的因素或管理不得当(不是用最好的方法),我也会勉强接受,顶多尽自己的力量尝试去影响它朝向比较好和透明的组织架构,就好像同灵们在这论坛里所盼望的。
希腊文“Ecclesia”定义为:“被呼召出来(者)” [ECC = 出来out; KALEO = 呼召call]。可以说其定义是“被呼召出来聚集在一起的(集会,议会)”。
文字会随着时间而更改。但你可以看到,在主耶稣的时代,“ECCLESIA”这字的原本意思是,聚会, 或集聚,或被呼召出来的人民的集会。原文的意义,並不是好像今天我们所说的“教会”的意义一样。
使徒行传19:32 聚集的人,纷纷乱乱,有喊叫这个的,有喊叫那个的,大半不知道为什么聚集。
使徒行传19:39 你们若问别的事,就可以照常例聚集断定。
使徒行传19:41 说了这话,便叫众人散去。
词源:英文cir(i)ce, cyr(i)ce; 荷兰文kerk;德文 kirche;都是從中世纪希腊字kurikon,kuriakon“主的家”,kurios“主人,主”演变而来的。
知道这翻译的错,我们应该在读或研究圣经时,除了上面提到的三个经节之外,都应该把“CHURCH”换回原来的“ECCLESIA”, “一个主耶稣呼召出来,集聚的集会”。
这是发生在保罗身上的事。(使徒行传17:6 找不着他们,就把耶孙和几个弟兄,拉到地方官那里,喊叫说,那搅乱天下的,也到这里来了。 17:7 耶孙收留他们。这些人都违背该撒的命令,说另有一个王耶稣。 17:8 众人和地方官,听见这话,就惊慌了。)
(提摩太前书3:14 我指望快到你那里去,所以先将这些事写给你。 3:15 倘若我耽延日久,你也可以知道在神的家中当怎样行。这家就是永生神的“ECCLESIA”,真理的柱石和根基。)
回观历史事迹,我们可以看到凯撒大帝想以杀害基督徒的方法去阻止基督教运动失败了, 不能因此而瓦解这聚会。罗马帝王君士坦丁比较聪明, 他收拢基督徒成为基督徒的一份子,以罗马帝国的组织制度, 把【聚会】组织成【教会】,【教皇成为基督徒的王】。教会的王不再是【耶稣王】,君士坦丁一手破坏了主耶稣的呼召。
每个教会的组织都是循着这帝王制度组织成的, 所以你我看到的就是君王的权力斗争;秀山或莆田, 再加上韩国的开会停职事件, 实质上就是权力斗争孵化出来的几场戏,是不是?
I fully understood Brother Dust’s viewpoint drawing from the biblical examples which he had observed. I do agree we need to break free from the organization myth. However, I am trying to seek a more concrete justification from the Bible and to find out whether Lord Jesus had told us to organize or not to organize? Without such basic information, I try not to involve in lengthy debate arguing that what kind of organization is better than the other. For example, on what basis we can argue whether which of the ideas, communism, or capitalism, or socialism is the best? Those ideas are derived merely from human’s philosophical thinking. Human’s thinking always contains flaw because it is most likely developed from an unproven hypothesis and not from a proven law. If the hypothesis cannot be proven, then the conclusion drawn from this hypothesis is also unproven. Isn’t it?
Let me quote Brother Dust again: “The God who created man allowing man to have the freedom to make his own choice”. Therefore, before you decide to agree with any of the conclusion, please make sure to look at all the facts and evidences presented and to see that such conclusion is not drawn from an unproven hypothesis.
I abstained from opining against having a church which commonly means [church organization] because of what Lord Jesus had said in [Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. NKJV] If church is what Lord Jesus wanted, even if there is human factor and flaw in running the organization (not the best method), I will live with it but just trying to influence it heading towards a more proper and transparent structure, as many brethren had opinionated in this forum.
But since I have found the work from someone who had traced the etymological meaning of the word “ECCLESIA”, the original meaning of the original word used in Matthew 16:18, it has greatly impacted my thinking and understanding of what Lord Jesus had tried to tell us in this verse.
Let me quoted again what I had said:
Etymology of the word “ECCLESIA”
The original word is not the word “church” in the verse Matthew 16:18. It is the Greek word “ECCLESIA” which does not mean “church”.
In Greek, ECCLESIA means [ECC = out; KALEO = call]. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecclesia),Ecclesia means the principal assembly of ancient Athens during its Golden Age.
Britannica Encyclopedia: Ecclesia, Greek Ekklēsia, (“gathering of those summoned”), in ancient Greece, assembly of citizens in a city-state. Its roots lay in the Homeric agora, the meeting of the people. The Athenian Ecclesia, for which exists the most detailed record, was already functioning in Draco’s day (c.621 bc). In the course of Solon’s codification of the law (c. 594 bc), the Ecclesia became coterminous with the body of male citizens 18 years of age or over and had final control over policy, including the right to hear appeals in the hēliaia (public court), take part in the ...
Oxford Dictionaries: Ecclesiastic, Origin: late Middle English: from French ecclésiastique, or via late Latin from Greek ekklēsiastikos, from ekklēsiastēs'member of an assembly', from ekklēsia'assembly, church', based on ekkalein'summon out'.
Therefore you can see that the word “ECCLESIA”, at the time when Lord Jesus used it, carries the meaning of an assembly, or a gathering or a meeting of the people who have been called-out or summoned-out. The word does not mean a church as we perceive today.
The three places where “Ecclesia” was translated correctly in the Bible
Acts 19:39 But if you have any other inquiry to make, it shall be determined in the lawful assembly(ecclesia). NKJV
Acts 19:41And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly(ecclesian,ekkleesian). NKJV
The information tells us that at least the Bible Scholars who had translated the Bible knew the meaning of the Greek word “Eclessia”. Whatever reason they might have to replace all other “ecclesia” with a different word “kuriakos, church”, it was done with a conscientious mind. I believe the translator might not have any good excuse for misled the readers.
Etymology of the word “church”
The word “church” comes from the Old English and German word “kirche”. In Scotland, it was called “kirk”.
The Oxford Dictionaries (online version) stated that the origin of the word church as follows:
Origin: Old English cir(i)ce, cyr(i)ce, related to Dutch kerk and German Kirche, based on medieval Greek kurikon, from Greek kuriakon (dōma) 'Lord's (house)', from kurios 'master or lord'. Compare with kirk
You can trace that the meaning of "ku-ri-á-kos" is understood by its root: "kú-ri-os," which means "lord." Thus, "kuriakos" (i.e., "church") means "pertaining to the lord." It refers to something that pertains to, or belongs to, a lord.The Greek "kuriakos" eventually absorbed into the Old English form as "cirice" (kee-ree-ké), then "churche" (kerké), and eventually it evolved into the word "church" in its traditional pronunciation. A church, then, is correctly something that "pertains to, or belongs to, a lord."
The big translation mistake
Hence you can see that the Bible scholars did not observe the basic rule of translation. Actually, the translators were not translating the word “ECCLESIA” according to its meaning. They had replaced the word “ECCLESIA” with another different word “KURIAKOS”.
So what we have read in the Bible translation, all the word church should be replaced by its original word “ecclesia” or “an assembly formed by people who had been called out by Lord Jesus”.
Lord Jesus did not mean to tell us to build a church organization
You can see that the meaning of the Greek word “ECCLESIA” is not the same as the meaning of another Greek word “KURIAKOS”.
By studying the origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning, it becomes crystal clear that Lord Jesus did not mean to ask His disciples to build a church organization. Perhaps, Lord Jesus was calling His people to come out from where they were, to assemble together and to meet on this rock. Absolutely, Peter was not an ordinary rock. He was the rock that could recognize and know who Jesus was? He would say what the heavenly Father would want him to say. I think most importantly it is the rock that the Truths dwelled. (Please refer to the article: 主耶稣要把他的教会建在磐石上)
The significance of Lord Jesus’ calling
When you consider both the historical event and the timing of Lord Jesus’ calling together as a whole, the calling carries a very significant message. Lord Jesus must have wanted to call His people out setting them free from the rule of the Roman Empire, to be independence and to have the ability to decide whether they would like to be rule by King-Jesus instead of the Roman-king. This hypothesis has a strong basis in conjunction with the apostolic works. Let us go into the details with one of Apostle Paul’s incidences.
You can see what had happened to Apostle Paul when he tried to preach the same message in the book of Acts chapter 17. (Bible Quote: Acts 17:6-8 But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out; “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. 7 Jason has harbored them, and these are all acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king — Jesus." 8 And they troubled the crowd and the rulers of the city when they heard these things. NKJV)
What did Paul and Barnabas did which turned the world upside down? Was it because Paul asked them to build a church building? Was it because Paul had collected money from the believers? None of the above! It was stated in verse 7. It was the message that Paul preached that “there is another King - Jesus” that got him into the big trouble because such message had troubled King Caesar. King Caesar was trouble by the fact that if the people did not recognize him as their king, he would lose control and command over the people; he would not be able to rule them anymore. King Caesar’s position was being threatened by the message.
Similarly, when YM declared that it is King-Jesus who saves us but not the church-king, he was obeying the truths given by King-Jesus but not the church’s rules and regulations. Such message which had trouble king-Caesar has trouble the church-king, the supreme organization. If we decide to choose King-Jesus as our king, the church organization will not be able to rule over us. If our eyes become clear and see King Jesus as our king, then we cannot blindly obey and conform to the rules set by the church supreme organization. The church-organization’s position was being threatened by the message.
The Jerusalem ECCLESIA
I believe the Jerusalem meeting was the first example of the “ECCLESIA”. There were disputes and misunderstandings about circumcision. (Acts 15) The apostles and elders came together to consider this matter. It is an assembly, isn’t it? You can see that they were reasoning out the differences basing on the principle of the Truths, the rock! Everyone was at equal level and no one was higher than the other. The only highest or supreme figure was God.
This should be the best example for us to be called out, assemble and reasoning out if there is any dispute amongst us, isn’t it?
The important characteristics of an ECCLESIA as described by Apostle Paul
(Bible Quote: 1 Tim 3:14-16 These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly; 15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the ECCLESIAof the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. NKJV)
As Apostle Paul had described, we were the assembly of the living God. In other words, we were not an assembly of the Roman King. So in the eye of Apostle Paul, it was not just a typical assembly. It was not an assembly of Athens. It was not an assembly of king-Caesar. It was the assembly of the living God. Therefore for an assembly to be fit to be called as [the assembly of the living God], at least such assembly must belong to the living God and must serve no other King except our Lord God.
Furthermore, we were the assembly formed by the calling of Lord Jesus Christ. The assembly was to be built on this rock. The reasons the assembly were being described as “the pillar and ground of the truth” were as follows:
(1) This assembly must be the pillar which was exalting the Truths given by Lord Jesus.
(2) This assembly must be the ground where the Truths given by Lord Jesus strive.
In other words, if the assembly upheld only man-made rules and regulations and traditions, then the assembly at most would be called [pillar of men’s rules] or [ground of men’s rules]!
The standalone assembly by itself has no value. The assembly itself is not the truth or God. The assembly itself cannot give eternal life to people. Only God can give you eternal life. Amen!
Similarly, the assembly is not the body of Christ if the body (as assembly) does not uphold Christ and Christ’s commandments. Amen!
Therefore, brethren and sisters please let us assemble together but let us make sure we will not become a useless pillar. Let us ensure we will become the pillar of Truth. (The pillar, which supports the Truth) (The ground, which the Truths rooted and spread out) (Preaching the message of King-Jesus)!
The plan to build an ECCLESIA ruled only by King-Jesus had been destroyed
Revisiting past history, we can see that Emperor Caesar failed to wipe out the Christian movement by martyring them. Emperor Constantine was smarter. He absorbed them by becoming one of them and helped to organized them following the Roman Empire structure so that Christians were ruled by another King-Pope instead of King-Jesus. As such, the ecclesia was not an assembly of the living God but it had become an assembly of King-Pope. Therefore, Roman Emperor Constantine had singlehandedly destroyed Christ’s calling.
Perhaps, under the rule of the King-Pope, you still hear the message “those who believe in Lord Jesus have eternal life” as the opening statement in any of their sermons. Yes, this statement is an eternal truth. However, we found out that many of the Catholic doctrines which were created by men were not from Bible Truth. Then we learn from the history that whoever had come out with a biblical understanding which was different from church doctrines would be persecuted and burned to death.
Therefore there must be a very good reason and motivation for church (influence by the power of Catholic Church) to replace “ECCLESIA” to a totally different word “KURIAKOS” reflecting “CHURCH” in the Holy Bible. Why? It was to make them appeared as a legitimate biblical organization so that King-Pope could still be your King-Pope in the foreseeable future. Since then, Christians have been made to live under different kingship instead of having Lord Jesus as their ONLY-KING. Christians have been cheated to think that by obeying whatever the king-Pope tells them to do irrespective it is right or wrong, they are obeying Christ’s command.
Therefore our understanding of the truth had been kidnapped by the wrong Bible translation. In addition, historically all churches had brainwashed the believers that church was the one who saved you like the God. Unwittingly, our gut-feeling tells us that [church] is [God]. Therefore if you do not go to church means you have rejected God. Most of the Christians have been robbed of the capability to ask sensible questions. Is it true that God only appears in church? Isn’t it that the omnipresent God filled all in all and He is also in your heart? Don’t we worship God in spirit and truth? For those preserved God as their King, no matter where you were, whether you were enjoying your life, or whether you were suffering and afflicting with transgressions, the omnipresent God were with you always. Isn’t it? God is not the King who controls you. God is the King who assists you. In the name of God, all are equal and free, isn’t it?
You can see that all the various churches formed in the past were evolved from the same King-Pope model. Similarly, the church organization structure which you and I have seen has become our King. The church organization continues to reject God’s Truths and they would only exalt the truths (church-doctrines) established by man. May be our church is kinder. Church-organization has just forbidding members from research into church-doctrines. Whoever comes out with biblical understanding which is different from church-doctrines will not be physically persecuted but will be suspended and asking to leave the church. They only welcome those who would blindly obey them and would not question them especially when they were not telling the Bible truth. Hence irrespective whether it is the Catholic Pope, or our supreme church organization, both are similar to the [idol] mentioned in the book of Jeremiah chapter two.
Therefore you can see that every church organization structure is formed in the image of the Roman Empire system. The struggle we saw was a typical political power struggle; [the incidence in 秀山], or [the incidence in莆田], in addition to YM’s suspension through the meeting conducted in Korea, in reality were the dramatic culmination of political power struggle, right?
Is it the time to form the assembly of the living God?
Basically, I show you the facts and you decide yourself what you will do for Christ?
Do you want the assembly called out by Christ which serves King-Jesus?
Do you want the church formed with the help of Emperor Constantine which serves King-Pope and King-Organization?
To me, there is only one mystery which has been revealed to us. To the unbelievers the mystery is foolishness! To the believers the mystery is wisdom of God! When you see him, you know that he is King-Jesus! We live because He had died for us!
To me, all the Truths from God and Lord Jesus have been made-known and recorded in the Bible. Except those apocalyptic passages and those Truths where Lord Jesus did not have time to disclose to His disciples, all the other Truths given by God can be understood by reading them within their context. Perhaps we should be careful that we should see a complete picture before we decide we have obtained a good understanding of God’s words. I would only emphasize this particular caution because I have noticed that out of context interpretation has become a norm in our church.
Pray to God that He will put the wisdom and understanding in our heart and in our mind! Amen!
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