
敵基督者的警告 在約翰壹書第二章,使徒約翰警告說: “ 2:18 小子們哪、如今是末時了.你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了.從此我們就知道如今是末時了。 2:19 他們從我們中間出去、卻不是屬我們的.若是屬我們的、就必仍舊與我們同在.他們出...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

回应:對重審楊昱民免職案的建議, And translation




Dust兄刚刚发表他的见解时我还不敢认同,直到找出(马太1618)原文是“ECCLESIA”而不是“CHURCH”。 【ECCLESIA】的意思是指【一个主耶稣呼召,要信祂的人集聚,遵耶稣基督为王,在磐石上的一个集会】,才敢肯定地同意Dust兄的观点。(有需要的话请参考:主耶稣並没有叫我们建立教会组织探讨得到的一个结论是,现在的【教会组织行式,一个以中央聚权,取代基督为王的组织】,不是主耶稣所要的。基督不要的,信基督的人怎么可以拥护支持呢?








請看之前之回覆...小結:聖經中還有很多例子展現出「敬虔的生活」,這些「聖徒」們並非都活在一個無組 織的階段,卻又非都活在一個有組織的階段,但是他們的共通點都是有恆心、毅力的跟隨主。在前文末肢試圖打破組織的迷思,如今卻要打破的是無組織的迷思。那 到底真正的問題在哪?從上文以及之前很多末肢分享的文中都能看出其實問題是在有沒有敬神愛人,尊主為大,讓聖靈充滿,把主給我們的使命﹝傳福音使萬人做主 的門徒與餵養群羊﹞當作人生最重要且最緊迫的目標,且事事順服主與聖靈的帶領。最後,以提多書第二章11~15節做互相的勉勵:「11因為神救眾人的恩典已經顯明出來,12教訓我們除去不敬虔的心和世俗的情慾,在今世自守、公義、敬虔度日,13等候所盼望的福,並等候至大的神和我們(或作:神我們)救主耶穌基督的榮耀顯現。14他為我們捨了自己,要贖我們脫離一切罪惡,又潔淨我們,特作自己的子民,熱心為善。15這些事你要講明,勸戒人


主耶稣是如何操作传福音的圣工呢?(请看,马太105-15;马可67-11;路加91-6)十二位门徒,一个团体的模样出来了,犹大是管理钱箱的 (约翰1329)是一种组织的形态。这团体或组织的头,是基督。在主耶稣基督亲自带领下,门徒(因不了解主,或因人的私欲)也会起纷争(马太2020-28),每个人都希望自己能比别人做得更大的。基督是门徒的头,主耶稣基督就以神的旨意训诲门徒,“20:25 耶稣叫了他们来,说,你们知道外邦人有君王为主治理他们,有大臣操权管束他们。 20:26 只是在你们中间不可这样这不是明明告诉我们,在我们中间『除了基督王』之外,不可以有『另一个属世的君王』吗?这个团体的头非基督莫属吗?


主耶稣有没有花钱买机票送他的门徒出去传福音呢?主耶稣不是有管钱箱的犹大吗?但四福音书里,主耶稣差遣门徒出去传福音连一文钱也没有给他们。(马太10:9 腰袋里,不要带金银铜钱。 10:10 行路不要带口袋,不要带两件褂子,也不要带鞋和拐杖。因为工人得饮食,是应当的



(路加5:39 没有人喝了陈酒又想喝新的,他总说陈的好。)






Reply to Sign

Sign had quoted verse  Matthew 18:20, which is meant to mean that whenever there is two or three who gather in Jesus’ name, Lord Jesus had promised that he will be with them. This is an eternal promise. However I just felt that using the verse in supporting the viewpoint that it is beneficial to have more people to work together is inappropriate.

The myth of church organization has to be broken

When brother Dust posted his opinion about smashing the church organization myth, I was hesitating to agree with him, until I have satisfied myself that the word “ECCLESIA” had been replaced by a totally different word of different meaning “CHURCH”. Then I realized that “ECCLESIA” meant to mean, an assembly of people who have been called-out by Lord Jesus, who would have Christ as their King and who have gather on the rock. (If necessary you can refer to: Lord Jesus did not mean to tell us to build a church organization) The discussion had led to a conclusion, that is [the current church organization, with a powerful central body, who has replaced King-Jesus as the king of the organization) is not what Lord Jesus wanted. Thing that Christ forbade how could a believer of Christ exalt and support?

This is a very important standpoint and a correct concept. If all evidences listed by Dust and I could not lead to a common understanding and agreement, and if the church organization myth could not be shattered, then continuing to discuss [how should a body, as an assembly called-out by Christ and upholding Christ as its King, operate which would abide with God’s Will] become quite meaningless, isn’t it? If an wrong structure could not be demolished, how could we erect a new structure? If the new structure is being built on top of the old structure, the central organization king will be preserved by masquerading into another form. It will be like old wine in new bottle (LUKE 5:36-39). Where the new assembly that Lord Jesus called-out is? Aren’t we just continue to live in the [Israelite Kingdom] structure?

What can we do to shatter the central organization power?

I am not trying to boost the enemy’s morale and diminishing our courage, but I am not optimistic about our ability to shatter such organization power. From (the fruits bore by them), we see that [they are not having Jesus as their King and in their eyes there is no God’s commandments]. They were more like the birds who had occupied the branches of the mustard tree. They had established layers of black-shields protecting their interests. They were sitting on piles of money contributed by church members (may be some one can find out how much it is). They utilized this financial resource working against the Will of God. They extended their political influence suppressing the news. They misled our simple-minded members. For sure after time passed, they knew that most of the people would forget what had happened and everything will be back to normal. They could continue to feed themselves with the big-fat-worms!

Therefore, unless God interferes, stopping the assembly from feeding them, let them see the empty chapel, such people will prevail. Didn’t Lord Jesus promise to us that wherever we gather, if there is more than two or more people gather in his name, he will be with them? I do not see the point why should brethren and sisters continue to observe Sabbath by attaching to a bad tree?

How could an assembly who upholds Christ as King operate under the circumstances of having no church central organization?

If Sign agreed that we should shatter the church organization myth, then the examples Sign mentioned in the posted article, worth for serious consideration.

Quoting Brother Dust’s [little-conclusion] in 請看之前之回覆...

Little-conclusion: In the Bible, we can find many examples how people lived a devoted life. The saints were not really lived together without an organization structure but they were not lived in an organization structure either.  But all examples possessed a commonality that was they were devoted and persevered to follow only the Lord. My previous article was to shatter organization myth, but now I am determined to shatter the myth without an organization. Where the real problem lies? From this article and other past articles, I had shared with you that the real problem lied in the fact that the organization did not fear God and love people. They did not exalt Lord as their master. They did not fill with the Holy Spirit. They did not hold on to their mission of [preaching the Gospel to all the people and to nourish the sheep of God] and be submissive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let me quote the passage as mutual encouragement: (Titus 2:11-15 11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. 15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you. )

What was the structure Lord Jesus set up to preach the Gospel?

Sign was correct to say that human beings are sociable and like to live in a group. Especially when there are people who are borne with the desire to lead, they will organize the group into an organization so that they could lead. From another angle of view, salvation by itself is a spiritual warfare. You do not need to seek Satan and Satan will come and find you. So if believers do not have a clear understanding that the calling of Lord Jesus is for us to make him our only King; if believers do not hold steadfast to this concept and be very careful not to be misled by [those who behave like Satan] to worship another King in place of King-Jesus, then, irrespective in what structure we operate, we are destined to lose this war to the enemy of Christ.
How did Lord Jesus operate the missionary of preaching the Gospel? (Please refer to: Matthew 10:5-15; Mark 6:7-11; Luke 9:1-6) There were twelve disciples and the shape of a body had formed. Judas the Iscariot was in charge of the money box, and you see that there was the image of a possible organization. (John 13:29) Whether you treat it as a body or an organization, the head was Christ. In the leadership of Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples (because they misunderstood Christ, or because of their own personal desires) struggled and quarreled with one another. (Matthew 20:20-28) Everyone was thinking about having a higher position in the Kingdom of Christ (on earth). Christ was the head of the disciples. So Christ reprimanded his disciples according to the Will of God, “25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them.  26 Yet it shall not be so among you”. Can you see that from this passage, Lord Jesus had clearly told us that besides having Lord Jesus Christ as our King, we should not have any worldly king? The head of this assembly must be King-Jesus!

Not to our surprise, this was exactly the same message given by Apostle Paul. (Ephesians 5:23-24; Colossians 1:15-18) (Please remember to replace the word church with the correct word, ecclesia or assembly) Paul said the Christ was the head of the assembly; Christ was the head of this body (as an assembly); and these were equivalent of saying that Lord Jesus Christ was the King of the assembly or body, right?

Did Lord Jesus purchase air tickets to send his disciples to preach the Gospel (not to say that there was no airplane at that time)? Didn’t Lord Jesus have someone taking care of the money box? But in the books of four Gospel, Lord Jesus sent his disciples out without giving them any money. (Matthew 10:9 Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts,  10 nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs; for a worker is worthy of his food.)

At least, we can see that such kind of assembly or a body was an example set up by Lord Jesus. Therefore amongst us, we should not have any form of worldly king. We should only have one king that is King-Jesus, isn’t it?

Words of encouragement

(Luke 5:39 And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, 'The old is better.')

We have been living under the old structure for such a long time and we may have gotten used to it. Therefore to exit from Egypt to the land of Canaan, was difficult! To transform from Old Covenant to New Covenant, was difficult! To change from Old Organization Structure to a New Organization Structure, is going to be difficult too! Therefore do not mistaken it is an easy task going forwards!

I pray that God gives us the wisdom and courage, (Number 13:2-33) because we would encounter similar situations that the Israelites had encountered when they tried to enter the land of Canaan. There will be people like Caleb who utter words of courage and there will be people who will warn you of the impossibility. 

The most important is that, we have to deeply believe that only [believe Lord Jesus will lead us to eternal life]. Then we may perceive that answering to Lord Jesus’ called-out is the only right thing to do.
Therefore whether to enter the land of Canaan or not, you have to decide for yourself. I do know I have made a decision that there is only one king in my heart, and he is Lord Jesus Christ. I believe, only those who uphold Christ as their King will have the chance of entering the eternal life given to us by God!

May peace be with you always!

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