
敵基督者的警告 在約翰壹書第二章,使徒約翰警告說: “ 2:18 小子們哪、如今是末時了.你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了.從此我們就知道如今是末時了。 2:19 他們從我們中間出去、卻不是屬我們的.若是屬我們的、就必仍舊與我們同在.他們出...

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The consequence of listening to and obeying interpretations which opposed to the meaning of God's words

 Honestly, I believe most Christians would think as follows: The church passes its doctrines and truths to preachers; Preachers pass it on to the believers, believers accept and abide with faith. Even if the truth goes against the original meaning of God’s words, since it has nothing to do with the believers, so there is no reason for the believers to receive any punishment.

Is it really what we think what it should be?

Recently, I have revisited the story of Eve and the serpent. When I relate it to the title, I can't help but feel horrified!

The story is summarized as follows:

[And the serpent said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'you shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"

 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'"

Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

After that, God announced His judgment, so the serpent was cursed, and it would walk on its stomach and eat dirt and would have enmity with people; Although Adam and Eve did not die on the spot, but because they could no longer eat the fruit from the tree of life, they could not be immortal forever; ]

Carefully analyzing this incidence, we can get several important points:

First, the serpent took the initiative to explain to Eve the meaning of God's word.

Second, the serpent has cunningly evoked Eve's desire - a desire to be like God knowing good and evil.

Third, although there are some discrepancies between "lest you die" and "you shall surely die”, by and large, Eve still could vaguely remember the key points of God's command. But under the temptation, Eve chose to satisfy her own desires and accepted serpent’s explanation instead.

Fourth, the serpent, Eve, and Adam were punished by God, which clearly proved that serpent’s interpretation was wrong.

Fifth, by believing and obeying false interpretations which were opposite to God's truth and command (everything that comes out of the mouth of God is truth), Eve and Adam came under the righteous judgment and became mortal.

By examining the details of the incidence, we can clearly see the roles played by the Serpent Eve and Adam. The serpent was the initiator. Eve was the first recipient. Subsequently, she might also play the role of an influencer and influence Adam, making him the second recipient. But under the preaching, accepting and observing interpretations which opposed to the original meaning of God's words, no matter what role they played, all of them were subjected to the same righteous judgment. No one was spared.

Clearly, today's churches, preachers and believers are also playing similar roles to those of Serpent, Eve and Adam respectively. Therefore, if the teaching is against the original meaning of God's word and commandment, then we will all be judged justly by God. As our compassionate and righteous God will not favor us over Adam and Eve.

Most Christians may think that since the church is preaching Jesus, for sure it will not deliberately distort the meaning of God's words which Jesus gave us? I used to trust that this is what a church should do. But if that's what you think, you need to think again. Because even the most basic fact that Jesus is the Son of God and not God Himself has been distorted by the church. What other truths are there that they won't dare to distort?

Next article will share with you the meaning of “the Word became flesh”.

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