
敵基督者的警告 在約翰壹書第二章,使徒約翰警告說: “ 2:18 小子們哪、如今是末時了.你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了.從此我們就知道如今是末時了。 2:19 他們從我們中間出去、卻不是屬我們的.若是屬我們的、就必仍舊與我們同在.他們出...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

加中文翻译 The actions the church should take! Setting up an Open-Public-Hearing-Council!





1. 杨传道(一位弟兄)要把这案件推到国家法庭论审,依据圣经教训是一个错误的决定!(哥林多前书61-11

2. 联总(另一位弟兄)压制和力阻教会举开公听会处理这争执案导致杨传道不得不寻求国家法庭的途径,依据圣经教训是一个错误的决定!(罗马书131-4;马太1815-17

3. 教会没有出面成立公听案委员会(以第三者,不包挂联总和杨传道在内)根据凭据和主耶稣的一切吩咐毫无保留的凴公处理这件争执案,依据圣经教训是一个错误的决定!








2)成立公听会委员会。我们会遇到难题是,联总(被告者)都是总会负责人。我们可能先要奠定一个大家认同的程序,以便选立被圣灵充满显现出所结属灵的果子,彰显出有好名声的,被尊敬的,有恩赐的,有公义心的,原因服侍主的。或许这程序需要各为多加讨论。(参考:Wikipedia Lawsuit)










談教會組織及其帶來的問題 Church organizations and their problems




In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I speak!

This is to broach a feedback, a proposal that I have received from a concern brother. May God guide our foot-steps!

There are many forums and blogs discussing and calling to end this issue. For this particular feedback, I will post it in the forum of巴黎職務會第2012-002 which seems quite appropriate. If you cannot find this article, you can always find it in my blog. http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/

With respect to the dispute between IA (as a brother) to Preacher YM Yang (as another brother), Preacher YM Yang had claimed that IA (as a brother) had sinned against him through falsification of evidences, perverted his theory of Origin of Satan, and convicted him without a proper trial:

1. It is wrong biblically for Preacher YM Yang (a brother) to bring the dispute to a gentile court. (1 COR 6:1-11)

2. It is wrong biblically for IA (a brother) to suppress and block a request for an open-public-hearing by the whole church for the dispute which may have caused Preacher YM to seek non biblical venue for justice. (ROM 13:1-4; MATT 18:15-17)

3. It is wrong biblically for the whole church not to attend to this dispute holding an open-hearing with a third-parties council (excluding IA and YM) who will judge both brothers through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises in according to the commandments that Lord Jesus had commanded us to obey.

Other Bible References support the above reprimand:

Woe to the rebellious children," says the Lord, "Who take counsel, but not of ME, And who devise plans, but not of MY Spirit, That they may add sin to sin (ISA 30:1-3)

Judge internally by the church, the priests and the judges! (DEUT 17:1-13; 19:15-21; MATT 18:15-17 Dealing with a sinning brother; 1 COR 6:1-11 Judge internally by the saints)

The high priest (HEB 2:17-18; 3:1-6; 4:14-16; 5:1-11)

Sin to bear false witness (EX 20:16; DEUT 19:15-21; PROV 6:16-19; 12:17; 14:5; 19:5, 9; 21:27-28; MATT 19:17-19)

Woe to that man by whom the offense (sin) comes (MATT 18:7)

We are all brothers (MATT 23:8 "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.)

Every soul be subject to the governing authorities (ROM 13:1-4)

The word that I had spoken will judge him in the last day(JOHN 12:47-48)

The followings are the suggested actions for the churches:

(A) Appeal to all TJC churches over the world for having an open-hearing for the case

To ask IA EXCO who has refused to hear YM to chair an open-public-hearing is wrong biblically (MATT 18:15-17). Plus IA EXCO (a brother) by himself is a defendant, where Preacher YM Yang, who is a plaintiff, complaints against IA EXCO for falsifying false evidence against him. Therefore neither IA EXCO nor YM is in the right capacity to be the person holding such open-public-hearing. It is time for the church to step in and to hold the public hearing for both of them.

Therefore to bring the case to the whole church is the appropriate way according to Lord Jesus’ commandments.

Plan of actions:

(1)   Paris Church Council will take the responsibility and officially re-issue letters to all TJC churches around the world soliciting their support to demand an open-public hearing by the church for the case between IA (the defendant) and YM (the plaintiff). Each church should hold a general assembly meeting with all members soliciting their approval. For the church who would like to uphold the practice of truths in according to Lord Jesus’ commandments will write an official letter to their respective GA and all such correspondences should copy to Paris Church who will keep and maintaining all official counts and records.
a.      If such action fails due to IA’s political influence, we may need to kick start a back-up plan. We are to solicit each individual member’s consent supporting the holding of an open-public-hearing. Someone who is knowledgeable in setting up an electronic-bulletin or ballot system that will allow each individual to register as supporter of the movement will be of great help. We may need to engage local-member who is willing to solicit such support in the local-church level. An official ballot number will be published.
(2)   Setting up an official open-public hearing council (OPHC). This could be tricky as IA’s key personnel are the defendants and they are also holding office as various GA chairpersons. We may need to establish a process in selecting the public hearing council members who are filled with the Holy Spirit demonstrating by the spiritual fruits bore which had been manifested as reputable, respectable, gifted, just, desired to serve the Lord. Some discussion is needed in this area. (Reference: Wikipedia Lawsuit)
a.      Each church who thinks that it may have such holy worker who had manifested with such gifts and wisdoms may propose the person to be a member of the OPHC.
b.      The proposed member name shall be listed in a designated bulletin board. Any objection (two or more) shall be submitted with proper evidence.
c.       Form the official OPHC.
(3)   The OPHC will officially conduct the hearing process:
a.      Declare the March-Meeting-Resolution void.
b.      Re-instate all parties’ pre-March-Meeting positions including responsibilities and salaries.
c.       Conduct the hearing by accepting and establishing the official complaint from the plaintiff and the defendants. I think it is appropriate if we can have the service of members who are professional in the field of law. Through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises abiding to the commandments of Lord Jesus Christ, justice will prevail. If anyone who refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector (MATT 18:17).

(B) Re-organize the church in according to what Lord Jesus Christ had demanded (MATT 16:18; 20:25-28; JOHN 15:1-8)

This section contains my own opinions.

The job of the OPHC is not completed by concluding the case between IA and YM because the case is only the tip of an iceberg of our church’s problem. The root-cause of the issue is that the central-organization has replacedKing-Jesus as church’s king. This key problem has to be corrected once and for all. All the worldly political power of the organization that ruined the Kingdom of God has to be thoroughly purged.
To start with, we shall not have rulers (kings) who have replacedKing-Jesus lording it over us (MATT 20:25-28). All of us are the branches which should be attached to the true-vine. The only true-vine is Lord Jesus Christ who is both the body and the head of the vine. The branch who abides in Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus abides in him and Lord Jesus’ words abide in him (JOHN 15:1-8). No one branch could claim to be superior to another branch because every branch which does not bear fruit will be taken away by the heavenly Father and the one which bears fruit HE prunes. With respect to this truth as disclosed by Lord Jesus Christ, it is wrong to declare that when all the branches gather together in great number, the branches can form an organization (which means an organization-body which belongs to Christ) to replace the body of the true-vine and proclaims that the body-formed-of-the-branches has replaced the body of Christ and therefore is Christ-body. And start to preach that whoever leaves the church is like not attaching to the body-of-the-true-vine. This concept is the yeast that has permeated throughout TJC and has to be removed. The yeast mentioned here is just a-thinking, a-concept and it is not a-person. We are to help the person to purge the yeast away and not to purge the person away. We do not want the bad yeast (the doctrines of the Pharisees and Sadducees, MATT 16:5-12) to replace the truths given by Christ and we only want the good yeast (the Kingdom of Heaven, MATT 13:33).

Likewise, (MATT 16:18), an assembly is His-Assembly only if it is being built on this rock and based on this rock. His-Assembly belongs to HIM (Lord Jesus Christ). Therefore do not fall into the prey of the worldly-scheme when each of the church will market itself as the savior and winning over your heart willingly proclaiming that you belong to such church instead of belong to Christ. Apostle Paul had tried to purge this concept away from the Corinthians Church members (1 COR 1:10-13). You will easily see what Paul had preached is applicable to today’s situation if you replace the names of Paul with TJC, Apollos with Catholics, and Cephas with Lutherans. Therefore Paul’s message has become clear that it is equally wrong by saying that you belong to TJC Church and not saying you belong to Christ; we can only belong to one master and not two (MATT 6:24). Please get this right, I am very proud of TJC’s work which has made many people like me as an example come to belong to Christ. Therefore the proper way of bearing witnesses for Lord Jesus is such that people will only see Lord Jesus and knows who Lord Jesus is rather than seeing and knowing who you are or the church is! By the deeds of the church and its members, the world will come to know that we are Christ’s disciples. Marketing propaganda does not contribute any meaningful mean for such recognition.

Please also refer to:



談教會組織及其帶來的問題 Church organizations and their problems

 In answering to “WHY ARE WE SO AFRAID”, I sincerely hope all the members of TJC should not be so afraid and being frightened to see some of the bad fruits bore by some of our leaders holding office. Instead, we should be thankful to God when through some mean God has helped to expose the hidden bad-fruits to us. The bad fruits are borne from the bad yeast. The bad fruits are borne by means of the bad thinking which is not biblical. By the mercy of God, all TJC members should stand firm and insist that such bad yeast, the bad thinking should be completely removed from a church which belongs to Christ lest those leaders would not be saved; And who in turn will lead many of the blinds into the ditch (MATT 15:13-14).

So let all TJC members stand together in one accord, and in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, we demand to establish an open-public-hearing-council to resolve the case between IA EXCO and Preacher YM Yang. We demand to return TJC church organization to its original structure where God is at the center of the church and God is the only King who will govern every one of us. The rest of us are just brethren to one another, the servants of God and no one is bigger than anyone else.

May God continue to glorify His Name! Amen!

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