
敵基督者的警告 在約翰壹書第二章,使徒約翰警告說: “ 2:18 小子們哪、如今是末時了.你們曾聽見說、那敵基督的要來、現在已經有好些敵基督的出來了.從此我們就知道如今是末時了。 2:19 他們從我們中間出去、卻不是屬我們的.若是屬我們的、就必仍舊與我們同在.他們出...

Monday, April 30, 2012

教会对【圣灵的浸事件】偏向断章取义的理解(五)And translation!

Church inclines towards out of context interpretation of [the Event of the Holy Spirit Baptism] 5

The Book: A Secret Hidden in the Book of John Chapter 14 for Over Two Thousand Years: The Purpose of the Holy Spirit Baptism






整个五旬节圣灵的浸的现象,符合主耶稣在约翰14章向门徒的豫言还要到你们这里来(1418),在门徒里面(1420),向门徒显现(1421】。以此为大前提,那五旬节圣灵的浸就不是【神应许要把神的灵浇灌在凡有血气的人的身上的方法】,也不是【神的灵第一次降临】。因为神是自有永有(出埃及记314;启示录 18112213),神是无所不在的充满万有的(耶利米2324以弗所123,诗篇1397-12,箴言153)。虽然我们肉眼看不到圣灵,因着信我们知道神的灵无时无刻的充满着万有。有如空气的比喻,我们肉眼看不见空气,但当空气流动时,风的动力使我们感觉空气的存在。如有人向你说“没有风,就表示没有空气的存在”,你知道那是一个歪理。同理,如有人向你说“圣灵没有动工,就表示圣灵不存在”,这也是歪理因此你也应该可以看出教会的理解完全不能符合神的这些特徵,也不能明白的解释为什么有些人有说方言的恩赐,有些人没有说方言的恩赐。如果神的灵已经住在我们里头,教会却继续叫信徒去求神的灵,那不是很可笑很滑稽的一件事吗?

我们更应该知道的是,【充满的意思不仅是指装满,也是指,“灌输, 使感染, 使充满”,或是“影响,感化,影响力,权势,势力,影响,有影响的人(或事物)”, 或是“供应,补给,贮备,提供,补充”】(文章:圣灵降临充满,说方言的关系因此今天我们每一个人应该追求的是另一种层次的【充满】,诚心求慈爱的天父赐给我们一颗【顺服神的心】,能够接受住在我们里头的圣灵的【感化】【影响】【补充我们的不足】,【使我们能活出一个新生的样式】。或许这关联到灵里的重生吧!(文章:重生与得救 因此当我们跪下向神祷告时,如果只求神继续装满我们,而不是求神【赐给我们一颗顺服神的心】能顺服圣灵的感化,影响,和补充我们的不足,使我们有新生的样式,那不是很糊涂的一件事吗?想一想这一个前提【能装满宇宙万物的灵】,难道不能一次就把你这小小的身体装满吗? 









【保惠师】就是圣灵(约翰1426,),圣灵是神的灵(诗篇5110-11帖撒罗尼迦前书48,约翰一书324以弗所430),也是基督的灵(罗马书89, 彼得前书111),也是神儿子的灵(加拉太书46
















神第二次改变神的计划:约珥书228-29。(2:28 以后,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。你们的儿女要说豫言。你们的老年人要作异梦。少年人要见异象。 2:29 在那些日子,我要将我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女)。这次不仅是以色列人而已,一切凡有血气的人,神会把神的灵浇灌给他们。







(路加119-139 我又告诉你们,你们祈求就给你们。寻梢就寻见。叩门就给你们开门。 10 因为凡祈求的就得着。寻梢的就寻见。叩门的就给他开门。 11 你们中间作父亲的,谁有儿子求饼,反给他石头呢。求鱼,反拿蛇当鱼给他呢。 12 求鸡蛋,反给他蝎子呢。 13 你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女。何况天父,岂不更将圣灵给求他的人麽。










(约翰653-5653 耶稣说,我实实在在的告诉你们,你们若不吃人子的肉,不喝人子的血,就没有生命在你们里面。 54 吃我肉,喝我血的人就有永生。在末日我要叫他复活。 55 我的肉真是可吃的,我的血真是可喝的。 56 吃我肉喝我血的人,常在我里面,我也常在他里面。







(约翰737-3937 节期的末日,就是最大之日,耶稣站着高声说,人若渴了,可以到我这里来喝。 38 信我的人,就如经上所说,从他复中要流出活水的江河来。 39 耶稣这话是指着信他之人,要受圣灵说的,那时还没有赐下圣灵来,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀






第三点:真耶稣教会因着信,强调要信使徒约翰这句话是神所默示的,完全忽略了一个重要的前提,就是使徒们跟從主耶稣三年里所表现的【小信】,【不信】和【时常误解主耶稣】。(I)如果约翰这句话被举证为【神所默示的】,是真理。那这句话将同时推翻【神的灵是自有永有的】和【神的灵无所不在的充满万有的】前提,一切我们对神的认识和理解将要重新整顿过。(II)如果求圣灵必须要等到主耶稣死後复活升天才可以求到,这么重要的信息,主耶稣一定会在传讲求圣灵的时候自己提出来。但從【(A) 求】到【(B) 我在你里面】和以后,我们看到主耶稣有两个机会澄清这信息,但主耶稣都没有提起。在人的眼中会把这失误称为“错失良机”,但主耶稣却永远也不会错失良机,如果这信息是天父要更我们沟通的信息,主耶稣一定不会忘记的。所以最可能的原因,这不是主耶稣的意思所以主耶稣没有必要澄清,这只是使徒约翰的一个错误的理解而已。



(约翰167 然而我将真情告诉你们。我去是与你们有益的。我若不去,保惠师就不到你们这里来。我若去,就差他来

好吧,大家大慨会在心里笑着说,嘿,这是主耶稣亲自讲的话,Desert Rose应该相信了吧!








(约翰2021-2221 耶稣又对他们说,愿你们平安。父怎样差遣了我,我也照样差遣你们。 22 说了这话,就向他们吹一口气,说,你们受圣灵




(约翰20:25 那些门徒对他说,我们已经看见主了。多马却说,我非看见他手上的钉痕,用指头探入那钉痕,又用手探入他的肋旁,我总不信。)






但愿神让你们看了晓得,听了明白。能【晓得明白】神救恩的奥秘(哥林多前书118-3121-16),在属神的人的心中这奥秘已经不是一个秘密。(约翰4:22 你们所拜的,你们不知道。我们所拜的,我们知道。)如果我们拜的神是我们知道的,那还有什么奥秘可言!





(A summary of chapter seven)

There are nine chapters in the book. This will be the last episode I will post here in Chinese-translation because I think that if you cannot see the secret hidden in the book of John chapter 14 in these five episodes, and if you cannot see that Church inclines towards out of context interpretation of [the Event of the Holy Spirit Baptism], then it is meaningless to say much about it anymore. I only pray to God that He would open your eyes to see what you are enabled to see. For my peace of mind, I would only request that the readers should not hold back and keeping silence. Please let me know if you see that my research is not complete because I had missed out certain important context. I am not super-being and I do not have the ability to inside you. Hence I am not able to know your deep-silence means “silence as agreeing” or you are silently protesting against my absurd analysis? Actually, you should realize that in the holy name of Lord Jesus Christ, there is nothing to hide from His light. Especially in pursuing the understanding of the original meaning of the original truth, we must stay on the right-path; therefore when you see that I am falling, please give me a hand to hold me up; likewise when I see that you are falling, I will pull you up. These would make the “new life” given to us by God when we believe in Christ whom He had sent more meaningful! I hope the readers would not hold your comment until God has made the stone open its mouth to talk which by the time it may be a little too late!

Recap from previous articles

During the Holy Spirit Baptism at the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit showed himself. It was a manifestation and it was not that the Holy Spirit had descended.  The incidence had indirectly proved to the apostles that [the Spirit of God was indeed omnipresence and filled all-in-all] (JER 23:24; EPH 1:23; Psalm 139:7-12; Proverb 15:3). If [God is omnipresence] is our premise, then, you should know that there is no reason for the Spirit of God who had filled all-in-all to descend to a place He had already existed.  You can see that from then onwards, even the apostles could not see the Spirit of God with their own eyes, but because of their strong faith they knew they were being immersed in the Spirit of God at all time. The promise of Lord Jesus [that He would be with them until the end time (MATT 28:20)] had become a real thing.

At the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit had given the gift of utterance to each of the apostles. At the moment when each of the apostles uttered an unknown tongues from each of the own mouth, they realized that they were not only immersed by the [omnipresent Spirit of God], the [Spirit of God was also inside them]. If God did not give the apostles the gift of utterance, [the apostles who were of little-faith] (MATT 8:26; 14:31; 16:18; 17:20; MARK 16:14; LUKE 12:28) would not be able to understand such truth. In other words, the manifestation of speaking with other tongues had shown to the apostles that the Spirit of God was in them which coincided with the promise of manifestation (in John 14).

The phenomena of the Holy Spirit Baptism at the Pentecost, had perfectly matched Lord Jesus’ predictions given in the book of John chapter 14 [I am coming to you (John 14:18), I in you (John 14:20), I manifest myself to him (John 14:21)]. With this understanding as our premise, then we know that the Holy Spirit Baptism at the Pentecost is not [the method God would use to pour His Spirit on to all flesh]. It is also not [the Spirit of God descending for the first time] because God is self-existing (EX 3:14, REV 1:8, 11; 22:13), God is omnipresence and filled all-in-all (JER 23:24; EPH 1:23; Psalm 139:7-12; Proverb 15:3). Although we cannot see the Holy Spirit with our naked eyes, but because of faith, we know that the Spirit of God is omnipresence and filled all-in-all. It is like the example of air. We cannot see the invisible-air. But when the air moves, the power of wind allows us to feel the existence of air. Therefore if there is someone who tries to tell you that “at the place where there is no wind, air is not in existence”, you immediately know that he is telling you a distorted-truth. With the same reasoning, if a person trying to tell you that “at the place where the Holy Spirit does not show His work, the Holy Spirit is not in existence”, you immediately know that it is another distorted-truth. Therefore you should be able to realize that our church’s understanding with respect to the Holy Spirit Baptism cannot fit the characteristics I had shown you. And such understanding cannot clearly explain the reason why some has the ability and some does not have the ability to speak-in-tongues. Think about it, if the Spirit of God is already inside us, yet the church is asking members to continue to ask God for the gift of Holy Spirit, isn’t it that this is an amusing and ridiculous act?

In fact, we should definitely know that [the word (FILLED) does not only mean “filling up”, it also has other meanings like “imbue, influence and supply”.(文章:圣灵降临充满,说方言的关系 With this understanding as our premise then every one of us should have tried to pursue the next level of [being filled].  We should have asked our merciful heavenly Father to give us a new obedient heart, so that when the indwelling Holy Spirit tries to imbue, or influence or supply us with our lacking, we may have an obedient heart to accept the changes and to live a new-life. May be this is related to born-again in spirit! (文章:重生与得救 As such when we kneel down to pray, if we only ask God to fill-us-up, instead of asking God (to give us an obedient heart) so that we can be moved, influenced and being supplied with what we have been lacking to live a new-life, isn’t it a silly-act? Think about this premise, if [the Spirit who filled all-in-all], isn’t He will be able to fill your little body when He entered you? 

Church’s misleading teaching could explain the phenomenon we see in our church that the longer the believer staying in our church the more the believer becomes deteriorated spiritually, isn’t it? Don’t you see with your eyes from the fruits bore by the people in charge (the fruits from the Lin, Liang and CHE etc), they have been filled with the desire of king’s and political power and acted disgustingly. In the opposite, from their fruits we cannot see any signs of Lord Jesus’ commandments in them. Therefore we see that the only thing left in them is that [they could still lead the sermon with their mouth], but [their heart could not be moved to live with the manifestation of the truth in them]. Look like [they could not uphold the Lord] and looking at their behaviors, no one will say they are Lord’s disciples, isn’t it? These older believers are clear evidence that they are lacking the next level of [being filled]. In other words, we can see that whenever a person’s heart is being filled with distorted-truth, without the light from the truth, the darkness in him is so deep! Without using truth (distorted truth is not a truth anymore) girding his waist, without the righteousness as shield, without the gospel of peace, without the shield of faith, one cannot defend against Satan’s attack. (EPH 6:14-18) I pray to our merciful God that you are also able to see that under the Church’s inclination towards out of context interpretation of [the Event of the Holy Spirit Baptism] and the understanding of the truth is being distorted. This could explain why today our church could not defend ourselves from being attacked by Satan. I hope all of you can help to rectify the misunderstanding so that God’s truth will prevail and continue to protect our church in the journey of faith for the coming hundreds of years. In other words, I would say that whether you can see the truth and believe, it will not benefit me. Likewise, if you cannot see and cannot believe, it will not take anything away from me either. My conscience is cleared that whatever the time and ability and revelation that God has given me, I have tried my best to present the facts to you accordingly. Therefore in the holy name of God, I will not judge myself! I hope you can be likewise too!

With the above as our premise, there is only on question left, that is, did Lord Jesus tell us about when the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit will come into us?

“How” and “by what method” that God pour His Spirit onto all flesh?

Repeat what we know about God’s unique characteristics

God is self existing. (EX 3:14; REV 1:8, 11; 22:13)

God is omnipresence and filled all-in-all. (JER 23:24; EPH 1:23; Psalm 139:7-12, Proverb 15:3)

God is omniscience. (Psalm 33:13-15; 139:1-4; 147:4-5; ISA 46:9-10; 57:15; Job 37:16; Proverb 5:21; 1 John 1920)

God is omnipotence. (Gen 1:1-10; Job 38; 39; 42:2; JER 32:17; MATT 19:26; LUKE 137; REV 19:6)

The Counselor is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God (Psalm 51:10-11; 1-THESSA 4:8; 1-John 3:24; EPH 4:30). Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ (ROM 8:9; 1-PET 1:11). Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Son of God (GAL 4:6)

Lord Jesus does what the Father would want to do and says what the Father would want to say (A big and important premise)

John 5:119 Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. 

John 5:21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will. 

John 5:26 For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself,  

John 5:30 I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.

John 5:36 But I have a greater witness than John's; for the works which the Father has given Me to finish — the very works that I do — bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me.

John 8:28 Then Jesus said to them, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father taught Me, I speak these things.

John 8:38 I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.

John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 

If the understanding we derive from researching the above verses is that [the work that Lord Jesus did was not his own work but was the work the heavenly Father would want to do; the words that Lord Jesus said was not his own words but the words that the heavenly Father would want to say], then you may be able to agree that whatever Lord Jesus had said was very significant because those were what the heavenly would say. Likewise, whatever Lord Jesus had done was very significant because those were the works the heavenly Father would do.

If this understanding is an important premise, then under this premise, what we have learned from the four books of Gospel, the words that Lord Jesus said and the works that Lord Jesus did were all what the heavenly Father would say and do. Sticking to this premise would allow us to have a different and yet correct understanding the reasons why Lord Jesus would say and do in the ways it were.

God had changed His plan

We understand that in the Old Testament time, God only selectively gave His Spirit to some selective few. Therefore not everybody received the gift of Holy Spirit.

However can God change His plan? The answer is a definite YES. Can anyone teach and advice God what to do in his own way? (Job 21:22) The answer is a definite NO!

God changed His plan for the first time: EZE 36:22-29. God told the Israelites that for the sake of His holy name, God will gather all the Israelites, cleanse them, give them new hearts and put His Spirit in them.

God changed His plan for the second time: Joel 2:28-29. (Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward. That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. 29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants. I will pour out My Spirit in those days). At this time, God will not only put His Spirit in all the Israelites, God will pour His Spirit onto all flesh.

However the above two passages does not contain enough information telling us how God’s promise will be fulfilled? It does not tell us when God will fulfill the promise? Going through the scripture in the Old Testament, we cannot identify the record of fulfillment. Therefore it tells us that God’s promise might have not been fulfilled yet.

Will Lord Jesus tell us how God will pour His Spirit on all flesh?

You can see that Lord Jesus had talked to his disciples about the gift of the Spirit of God in several different occasions. Would you say that the disciples believe every word that Lord Jesus had said to them? Would you think that the disciples understood every word that Lord Jesus had told them?

In reality, we know that the apostles could not believe or understand Lord Jesus (Pease refer to教会对【圣灵的浸事件】偏向断章取义的理解(三)] where it had mentioned about the disciples’ [little faith], [unbelief], and [misunderstood Lord Jesus]. With this as our premise, we should know that when the apostles drew any conclusion or making any comments, not all of those were correct. Therefore if we treat every single word the apostles concluded or commented like truth from God, then the more we study the Bible, the more confusion we get. Similarly, we know that [believe in Jesus Christ is the premise to be saved]. Yet it is a silly thing that we have done by not comparing what we have heard with Lord Jesus’ commandments. It is not God who would like to confuse us. It is we who ignorantly confuse ourselves. We are to be blame for our ignorance and not God.

(A) Asking

Asking for the Holy Spirit from Lord Jesus and from God

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

Luke 11:9-13 9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  10 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.  11 If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?  12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?  13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"

Why asking from God?

Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. (Matt 7:6)

It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs. (Matt 15:23-28) 

Summary of important understanding from asking

(1) Lord Jesus was talking about asking for the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God; Lord Jesus did not tell his disciples to ask for his Spirit. Since we know the Spirit of God is [self-existing] [and filled all-in-all], therefore irrespective whether Lord Jesus was on earth or in heaven, the Spirit of God still filled all-in-all! In fact there was nothing wrong even if Lord Jesus tell his disciples to ask for His Spirit as the Spirit of Christ was also the Spirit of God. The Spirit of Christ could be in Jesus and filled all-in-all at the same time! Amen!

(2) There was no disclaimer from Lord Jesus that you could only ask for the Holy Spirit after Jesus was being glorified or ascended to heaven. Indeed, Lord Jesus had specially emphasized that “you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water” and “he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened”.

(3) Bible contains no record that the apostles had deeply believed Christ’s words and as such they had asked to receive the gift of Holy Spirit. This is a good proof which gives us a logical explanation on how much the apostles were of [little faith and unbelief].  The apostles [could not believe Christ’s words], or [they had misunderstood Christ’s intention]. Because of the unbelief and misunderstanding, the words of Christ had failed to communicate with them the intended messages and had no effect on the apostles.

(B) I in you

John 6:53-56 53 Then Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.  54 Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.  55 For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed.  56 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.

Lord Jesus’ first communication with the apostles had failed miserably. Later, Lord Jesus tried again to communicate with them. This time, Lord Jesus told them that he is the bread from heaven and truly can be eaten. In verse 6:56, Lord Jesus declared that “he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him”.

Summary of “I in him”

(1) What did “I in him” mean? Was it that Lord Jesus had entered his disciples physically? I don’t think so. It possibly meant to say that the Spirit of Christ was inside the disciples. If you have not forgotten that the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Spirit, then it was possible that while Lord Jesus was standing in front of his disciples and at that same time the Spirit of Christ was inside the disciples, isn’t it?

(2) The same as in the asking, at this time Lord Jesus did not have a disclaimer saying that such thing would only happen only after he was being glorified or after his ascension.

(3) Did the apostles believe and understand what Lord Jesus had told them? The answer is no! The communication failed again.

(C) Living water

John 7:37-39 37 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."  39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

This is what Lord Jesus had said: John 7:37, 38

This is what Apostle John had commented: John 7:39

Summary of “Living water”

(1) Similarly, in this passage, Lord Jesus was talking about receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit who was self-existing and filled all-in-all. Therefore whoever believed in Lord Jesus, he would believe Lord Jesus’ command. Therefore he would obey the commandments and asking for the gift from the heavenly Father and he would ask to eat Lord Jesus flesh and would ask to drink Lord Jesus’ blood. The word of Lord Jesus was spirit and was life (John 6:63). Therefore whoever did in accordance to Lord Jesus’ words would have the Spirit and would have the life.

(2) Similarly, Lord Jesus did not disclaim that this would only happen after he had been glorified or after his ascension and only at that time people could come to believe him and to receive the living water (the Holy Spirit).

(3) TJC believed with faith and emphasized that the comment from Apostles John was inspired by God and totally ignored the premise that the apostles whom had followed Lord Jesus for three years, they had believed Lord Jesus but at the same time they had shown that they were of [little faith], [they had unbelief] and [they often misunderstood Lord Jesus]. (I). Think about this, if we uphold Apostle John’s comment as [God inspired] and is a truth, then we also inadvertently overturn the premise that [the Spirit of God is self-existing and eternal] and [the Spirit of God is omnipresence and filled all-in-all]. Therefore our knowledge and understanding about God would be demolished and we have to start all over again to establish new knowledge about God. (II). If asking for the gift of the Holy Spirit could only be done after Lord Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven, such critical information would be disclosed by Lord Jesus himself to his disciples. But from the passage [(A) Asking] to the passage [(B) I in you] and beyond, we see that at least Lord Jesus had two chances to put in his disclaimer but Lord Jesus had not done it. In human thinking, we would conclude that Lord Jesus had miserably missed his two chances. But this could not happen in Lord Jesus Christ that he had forgotten to tell the disciples what the heavenly Father would want him to communicate. Therefore a good possibility is that this was not the message Lord Jesus wanted to convey to his disciples. Therefore there was no reason for Lord Jesus to deliver such message. The comment was Apostle John’s own wrongful perception.

(D) John chapter 14, Lord Jesus’ prediction

Lord Jesus’ prediction: [I am going away] and [coming back to you], had been shared in the previous four articles. Let us read another verse which might have created ambiguity in our understanding of the event of the Holy Spirit Baptism.

(John 16:7) Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

Well, you may now laughing at me and say: “Now what Desert Rose? This verse was spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. You should have believed that the Holy Spirit would only descend after Lord Jesus had left this world.

Thank you very much for checkmating me! Actually when I wrote this particular chapter, I did think [God might have checkmated me] allowing me to realize what God really wanted and trying to awakening me from my dream! Desert Rose, don’t be silly anymore! The beautiful field outside your study room was soaked with warm sun and gentle breeze. The grass was green with flowers in full blossom and the little song-birds sung their sweet melodies in great harmony.  Let it be! God had created for us such wonderful scenery. Why should you hide in your study room? Go out and enjoy life! Why should you feel worry for God’s children instead? While I was very much dispirited, I instinctively prayed to God with my heart. Oh God, was this the final ending of the research? Would [those who had strong faith and who believed in YOU even without seeing the proof of speaking with other tongues] have to endure being ill-treated by [those who had little faith and who could only believe by seeing the gift of speaking with other tongues]?  YOU had led me in the past 5-6 years and now YOU were telling me all I had seen was just an illusion? Spiritually, I felt that our faithful God was staring at me solemnly. It was like God was watching me trying to see what I would have decided? Whether I would decide to be soaked by the warm sun in the green field or I would rather be shined with the sun light transfusing through the window glass? The same sunlight but two different end results! But I was freeze standing like a frozen ice figure in front of my computer!

The words from God appeared again in my heart. Then I think, if verse (John 16:7) is the only verse which Lord Jesus trying to communicate to us about the Holy Spirit, then what I thought I had seen was merely an illusion. It was a mirage! If this was true, then during the time when Lord Jesus was in this world, the Holy Spirit was not with Lord Jesus and did not fill all-in-all and throughout every corners of this earth! This message would totally overturn our premise of [God is self-existing and eternal]; [God is omnipresence and filled all-in-all]. Then I think it was impossible for Lord Jesus to forget such premise. We as human beings might forget what we could do but the Almighty God would not forget that He is self-existing and He has filled all-in-all, right?
In fact (John 16:7) was not the only verse Lord Jesus used to communicate with the disciples about the Holy Spirit. It was not a standalone statement. This statement was being given after Lord Jesus had given his prediction in John chapter 14:28 [I am going away] and [coming back to you]. Actually (John 16:7) and (John 14:28) are relating to each other. We know that because the apostles were [of little faith, they had unbelief and they had misunderstanding], Lord Jesus’ prediction had to happen right in front of the disciples’ eyes before they could believe. Therefore the prediction of [I am going away] and [coming back to you] had to happen in the exact order as predicted. Hence [I am going away] had to happen first then followed by [coming back to you], isn’t it? This was the same reason why [the Holy Spirit of Baptism at the Pentecost] only happened [after Lord Jesus’ ascension to heaven].

Seeing the complete picture, and the coherency, the understanding begins to make sense, isn’t it?

Therefore in (John 16:7), Lord Jesus was meant to tell the apostles that “I have told you before it comes to pass, that [I am going away] and [coming back to you]. Therefore it is to your advantage that I go away. Because of your [little faith, your unbelief and your misunderstanding], if you cannot see with your own eyes that my prediction has happened accordingly, you may not believe! (So do not hold on to me), the earlier I leave, the earlier you would be able to see that [I am coming back to you]. (Also you have to remember that Lord Jesus had to communicate with his disciples with human terms and not in spiritual terms.)

Halleluiah, praise the Lord! The secret that had been hidden in the book of John chapter 14 for over two thousand years had been made known to me. I am here to bear witnesses for Christ. Would you believe?

(E) Receive the Holy Spirit

(John 20:21-22)21 So Jesus said to them again, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you."  22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit”

Greek scholar said that verses John 20:21-22 means the apostles had received the Holy Spirit after the action was being completed. The Greek expert in our church said otherwise because the tense is future tense and therefore it does not mean the apostles had received the Holy Spirit at that time. I believe the reason our church has insisted against external Greek Scholar is because our church would like to support the theory that “The Holy Spirit descended the first time at the Pentecost”. Such theory is at odd with the premise of [God is self-existing and eternal] and [God is omnipresence and filled all-in-all] which apparently our church does not care.

My point is our church’s mentality is like the apostles before the Pentecost. Because of their little faith and unbelief, the apostles who were with Lord Jesus [could not believe things that their eyes could not see]. Therefore the apostles did not believe that Lord Jesus had the power like the Almighty heavenly Father and had the power to give them [the Spirit of God]. Lord Jesus had tried to communicate with his disciples with word-of-action and the communication failed one more time!

Conclusion of chapter seven

(John 20:25 The other disciples therefore said to him, "We have seen the Lord." So he said to them, "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.")

The apostles believed Lord Jesus Christ. But at the same time, the apostles were [of little faith, had unbelief, and misunderstood Lord Jesus]. The incidence that Thomas could not believe other apostles’ testimony was a good example. I do hope that when you hear such testimony you can [deeply believed it]. I hope you will not fall into the stage of apostles’ unbelief but rather you would enter the stage of apostles’ strong faith!

Lord Jesus was the Word of God who had become flesh. (John 1:1, 14) In English it is translated as “Word”. In the original Greek Language it is “LOGOS” which means communication. The meaning of communication is far beyond plain word. Let me repeat the example. I may use ten of thousand words to talk to you. However if those words just fall on to you and the words does not enter into your heart, you will not be able to receive the message I have tried to communicate with you. We say that our communication has broken down. Lord Jesus had come to communicate with us the messages that God would like us to understand. May be we are self-inflicting by [getting the opposite meaning, or distorting the truth, or twisting the fact], or it may be because of [Satan’s attack], the messages that God would like to communicate with us had been darkened. As long as the believers of Christ could not response to the calling from Christ, to make Lord Jesus our King but we rather have a worldly king (church central organization as king) to rule over us, then Satan will succeed in bringing more people to accompany him in the hell with unquenchable fire.

Lord Jesus had communicated with us, telling us how God would pour His Spirit on to all flesh

The Holy Spirit Baptism incidence happened at the full day of the Pentecost was solely for the fulfillment of Lord Jesus’ prediction in the book of John chapter 14. Therefore it was not the method God would use to pour His Spirit on to all flesh. Comparing all the above five methods (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E), and trying to identify which of the method would be utilized by God to pour His Spirit on to all flesh, we can see that Lord Jesus had clearly communicated with us that either (A) and/or (B) would be the method. The difference between the two is that in method (A) one may not feel that one has received the Spirit of God not because God will not fulfill His promise and the Spirit of God is not omnipresence but because of one’s little faith. However in (B) when one has decided to partake in the Holy Communion, one will surely know one has received the Spirit of Christ and Lord Jesus has lived in him. However whether the person could be imbued, influenced and his lacking being made-whole by the Spirit of God allowing him to achieve a higher level of being-filled-with-the-Holy-Spirit and be able to live a new-life, depends very much in how strong his faith is.

Shattering the myths of [the spiritual gift of speaking with other tongues]

May God give you the ability to see and perceive, to listen and understand. Be able to [perceive and understand] the mystery of God’s salvation plan (1 COR 1:18-31; 2:1-16), in the heart of those who belong to God, such mystery is no more a secret. (John 4:22 you worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.) If we know the God we worship, how could we still insist that God is a mystery to us?
I would certainly encourage and caution you to be defensive so that you may not fall due to your good confidence. We are in flesh and may not have the capability to understand fully the unfathomable God whether to the portion that [God has revealed to us] or to the portion that [God has not revealed to us]. Indeed, with respect to the portion [God has revealed to us], we may not be able to fully comprehend all of them even if we diligently researching those truths. Therefore be cautious not to be lured by others trying to redirect you into exploring [the portion of God which God has not revealed to us] because those are the portions that we could not bear (John 16:12 "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now). Now we know Lord Jesus was the mystery of God’s salvation plan, therefore if we diligently obey Lord Jesus’ commandments, in this world we may have new-life and in heaven we may have the eternal-life. This is the promise given to all those who believe Him, Amen!

Unfortunately, in order to legitimatize [schism of the limbs of Christ] our church has inclined to interpret-out-of-context. Our church has perverted Apostle Paul’s teaching to the Corinthians Saints who had tried to correct their wrongful understanding with respect to the gift of speaking with unknown tongues (使徒保罗分析哥林多圣徒说方言的问题). You are aware that our church has proclaimed that [Bible is God inspired] (2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness), aren’t you? Then why our church could not believe [Apostle Paul’s proclamation that there should be no schism]? Aren’t TJC become a hypocrite by doing such self-contradiction to our own beliefs and teachings? TJC proclaims to all [Bible is given by inspiration of God], but in actual fact TJC has also acted in the opposite manner, isn’t this a hypocrite? I believe the readers have the ability to discern! (Please does not judge but discern!)

Therefore, I personally hope that God may give you the wisdom to shatter [the myth of church-organization] as described by brother Dust. At the same time, I hope that we can also shatter [the myth of the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues]. Then we may have the chance of building the assembly on the rock as demanded by Lord Jesus Christ. (This is the mission given to us by Lord Jesus). This assembly will only have King-Jesus as the King. This assembly will obey all Lord Jesus’ commandments (as given in the books of four Gospel) as if they are the assembly’s Doctrines. The commandments that we could bear had been given to us (John 16:12). Hence we do not need to establish human interpretation as church’s doctrines leaving huge-room to be manipulated by Satan making the church become a hypocrite.

May God continue to glorify His name! Amen!